Hi there! I'm


Who am I?

A creative and driven Software Engineer, obsessed with using innovative technology to solve complex business problems.

I am currently in my fourth year of a Software Engineering and Honours Business Administration dual degree at Ivey Business School and Western University.

I’m deeply interested in fintech and blockchain technology; my career goal is to ensure these technologies help bring about a more open and inclusive financial system.

I pride myself in maintaining a growth mindset that fuels my desire to learn, grow, and have fun while I do it.

Languages & Technologies


Python is the second language I learned and the first I truly fell in love with. This is the language I am most likely to use when solving algorithm problems on LeetCode or HackerRank.

Notable projects include my Poker Win Odds Simulator, and the Housing Market Price Predicitor I built for Western AI's Gideon Portfolio.


My most skilled programming language is JavaScript. I have used it with many technologies including React, Firebase, Node.js, Express.js, and Google Cloud Platform.

I gained proficient exprerience in JavaScript while engineering the HotTakes Sports platform, in addition to my 2x winning submission at Hack Western 8, ShelterFirst.


Java is my academic language and the first I ever learned. I used Java, Apache Derby, SQL, and SceneBuilder to create my first Full Stack GUI application.

While using Java in Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Software Design courses, I earned grades of 88, 97, and 85 respectively.


The most recent language I have worked in is Go, as this is the language I worked in while working on Inventory microservices as a backend intern at Square

I refactored the protocol buffer definition for Square's Inventory Adjustment gRPC endpoint and used Go to include a report of applied stock counts in the API response.


I gained extensive experience in C# during my internship at Hatch, where I used the ASP.NET framework to create 24 AJAX web applications to manage project databases.

Another notable project is the Dark Magic Quest RPG game I designed and engineered in Unity as part of my Software Construction course.


Languages: Go, Kotlin, C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, Dart, HTML/CSS, Swift
Technologies: gRPC, MySQL, Git, Firebase, SQL, Twilio, Google Cloud


Square, Backend Engineering Intern

Summer 2022

Remote, San Francisco, California
• Completed an engineering design document for implementing a Go microservice with a MySQL backend for sellers to specify custom inventory adjustment types; achieved senior engineering approval for implementation in 50% of the allocated time

• Refactored Square’s Inventory Adjustment API to include a report of all stock counts that factored into inventory adjustments in its gRPC response; this feature is currently used by over 10,000 merchants and 16 internal teams.

• Collaboratively engineered a Cash App prototype feature using Swift and Kotlin that enables families to automate chore payments, placing 2nd out of 12 teams in a company-wide hackathon and resulting in adoption by Cash App leadership for implementation

HotTakes Sports, Co-founder, CEO, Software Engineer

2020 - Present

London, Ontario, Canada
• Founded, incorporated, and built a full-stack sports social media app and website using Flutter, Firebase, JavaScript, and Swift

• Achieved over 3,000 downloads, 1,400 daily users, and a 5.0 user rating within two weeks of launching on the iOS App Store

• Redesigned a second version with layered architecture that separates app concerns into data, business logic, infrastructure, and presentation layers using abstraction; implementing this has decreased load times by 76%, API calls by 43%, and UI jitter by 100%

Hatch, Software Engineer Intern

Summer 2021

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
• Engineered an online project data management interface using ASP.NET and SQL that over 260 Hatch engineers use daily

• Launched 24 AJAX web apps with SQL, JavaScript, and PowerShell, saving Hatch over 300 engineering hours per year


Ivey Business School

Expected April 2024

Honours Business Administration (HBA), (GPA: 3.82/4.0)

• Dean’s Honour List (2021-2022)
• Coursework: Decision Making with Analytics, Finance, Accounting Fundamentals, Leveraging Information Technology

Western University

Expected April 2024

Bachelor of Engineering Science, Software Engineering (GPA: 3.93/4.0)

• Dean’s Honour List (2019-2021)
• MacKay-Lassonde Award in Computer Engineering, selected for leadership and distinguished achievement (2020)
• Coursework: Data Structures and Algorithms, Statistics, Software Design, Calculus II and III, Linear Algebra, Scripting


Shopify 2022 Backend Challenge, Winner

Jan. 2022

Technologies: React, JavaScript, MySQL, Express.js, Node.js, Heroku, Sequelize, Jest

• Engineered a prototype CRUD API and frontend for inventory management using Heroku, a MySQL database, and Sequelize ORM
• Implemented features beyond challenge requirements including warehousing, location tracking, and unit testing with Jest

ShelterFirst, Hack Western 2x Winner

Nov. 2021

Technologies: Twilio API, Node.js, Express.js, JavaScript, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform, Sass, HTML, CSS

• Engineered an SMS messaging platform using Twilio and Node.js webhooks for homeless people to locate nearby shelters
• Created a frontend for shelters to input their availability, demographics, and services using Firebase, Express, and Node.js
• Implemented a priority queue matching algorithm using Google’s Direction API to provide users with detailed directions

BCG London Education Platform, Ivey FinTech Club

Sept. 2021 – Present

Technologies: React, JavaScript, Firebase, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Git

• Built the backend and admin interface for BGC London’s youth education platform, to be used daily by 5,700 students
• Configured reliable event management by tracking confirmation, registration, and attendance using React and Firebase

Housing Price Predictor, Western AI

Sept. 2020 – May 2021

Technologies: Python, pandas, scikit-learn, NumPy, matplotlib

• Co-created an AI-based regression model that predicts Ontario housing prices with a model accuracy of 87%
• Implemented matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, and scikit-Learn modules to visualize model training and price prediction

Dark Magic Quest, 2D Unity RPG

Jan. 2021 - April 2021

Technologies: C#, Unity, Photoshop, Figma

• Created a 2D Unity RPG in C# with character customization, progression, dynamic movement, and spell casting.
• Designed custom levels, sprites, animations, and C# scripts to create an immersive game environment.

RacismAwarenessCanada.org, Founder

May 2020 - Aug. 2021

Technologies: JavaScript, Velo, Wix, CSS, HTML

• Built a racism education website by creating a personalized content management system using Velo and JavaScript.
• Automated the web scraping of over 182 educational articles and 64 petitions, resulting in 2,200 site visits in one week.

Poker Odds Simulator, Desktop GUI Application

Summer 2020

Technologies: Python, TKinter

• Engineered a python desktop application that simulates and calculates poker win probabilies
• Designed an interactive GUI using python's TKinter module to accept user input

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